YouTube is a Mix of Minds as it is. How about Remixing it?

ThruYou is a musical remix project, sampling YouTube musical vids, and remixing them into one big song:

ThruYou's creator Kutiman, is certainly not a bad musician alone neither (his MySpace).
He also edits each video he has sampled from to a perfect tee (like above's) and each is a joy
to watch. It is literally, watching harmonious internet poetry in motion. I thought it was even
cooler that he "remixed" a YouTube screencap for his video page, he has credited everyone
whose video he uses - All of which are unrelated to each other. He's simply browsed YouTube
like any one of us, and cherry-picked the sounds.

This is creativity, powered via the Powers of the Internets, powered by you, in joyous aural
harmony. And it's fucking beautiful. Stuff like this, and more to come I say. As the internet
becomes a more comfortable place, people create in it.

Ooh, the Power of the Internets...
Speaking of which, earlier today I came across a cool internet tool called TwitterFountain -
Which basically rounds up any tweets and Flickr images with the same tags, and displays them
all in one gulp. And with things like these new Eyefi SD cards (which can basically send your
photos straight to the internet after each take), you could set up a TwitterFountain on a large
HDTV and it would double up as a perfect ornament/toy for any tech-trendy party.

(*copy/pastes/remixes slightly*)
This is creativity, powered via the Powers of the Internets, powered by you, in joyous harmony.
And it's fucking beautiful. Stuff like this, and more to come I say. As man becomes more familiar
with his territory, he finds his niche and builds upon it. Web 2.0, now I see you....

Update: Also found out via Kutiman's wiki where you can download the entire remix album
featured above, for free of course, at his mirror site - My music for the week :)


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